New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

New York State Ornithological Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2004

The Board of Directors of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. met at Nuthatch Hollow Nature Preserve in Vestal on November 13, 2004. The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.

Present were Tim Baird, Brenda Best, Berna Lincoln, Andy Mason, Kevin McGowan, and Bill Reeves. These six members of the Board represented a quorum as required by the By-laws.

Summary of Action Items:

1. Approved minutes of previous board meeting. (Item 1)
2. Declined purchase of Volunteer Accident Insurance. (Item 3)
3. Approved 2005 Operating Budget. (Item 5f)
4. Approved accepting advertisements for New York Birders (Item 5i)

1. Minutes of Previous Board Meeting – Brenda Best – Andy Mason made a motion to approve the draft minutes from the July 31, 2004 Board Meeting. Bill Reeves seconded. Approved unanimously.

2. President’s Report – Kevin McGowan – Kevin reports the last Important Bird Area meeting has been held and decisions made. Bill Reeves has not yet purchased a new seal, and will submit to the Archivist the official letter from the Internal Revenue Service that acknowledges our name change.

3. Treasurer’s Report – Bill Reeves – Treasurer’s Report dated September 30, 2004 was distributed. (See Attachment A.) The promissory note for the loan to Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club was never signed and returned. Bill will follow up on this. Bill has received a notice of our insurance policy renewal. We discussed a new coverage being offered, Volunteer Accident Insurance, which would cover board members and other volunteers for a cost of $189 at maximum coverage. Berna Lincoln made a motion that we not purchase this coverage. Brenda Best seconded. Approved unanimously.

4. DEC Report – Kevin McGowan – Bryan Swift is now the head of the Game Bird Unit, and John Ozard is the new head of the Nongame and Habitat Unit. John will be attending our meetings as the new DEC liaison.

5. Committee Reports

a. Archives – Phyllis Jones – No report.

b. Atlas – Berna for Valerie Freer – John Ozard will be replacing Bryan Swift on the Steering Committee. The search for the second editor has begun and interviews will be held next week. Artists’ contracts have been signed. Records Review Committee has met twice and should finish in March. No decision yet on sixth year.

c. Awards – Andy Mason – Stan Lincoln provided an update to the history that was published in Vol. 48, Supplement 1. Two Certificates of Appreciation are pending.

d. Conservation – Andy Mason – No news on feral cats. The Bird Conservation Area Committee is ready to designate 4 sites in 2005 with 15 or so being worked on.

e. Field Trips – A note will be placed in New York Birders asking for a new chair for this committee.

f. Finance Committee – Berna Lincoln – The proposed Operating Budget for 2005 was presented and discussed. After deleting $75 for dues to other organizations and restoring $1,000 in income from Individual Member Dues, the 2005 budget shows a deficit of $2,420. A dues increase will be considered in July 2005 for enactment in 2006. Andy Mason made a motion to approve the budget as amended and Tim Baird seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Approved budget is attached (Attachment B).

g. Nominating Committee – Tim Baird – No action.

h. NYSARC – Kevin McGowan – Annual fall meeting was held at Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Online report form is active. 2002 reports are complete and will most likely be published in the December Kingbird.

i. Publications – Tim Baird –The County Records report form and the Speakers Bureau will be in the January issue of New York Birders. Tim asked if we are allowed to accept some advertising without paying excise tax on that income. Bill Reeves will check and advise. After some discussion, Andy Mason made a motion to let the New York Birders editor accept advertisements, which are appropriate in the editor’s judgment, for publication. Seconded by Bill Reeves. Motion was approved unanimously. Tim will advise sizes and fees at the February board meeting. The order of publishing The Kingbird and New York Birders was discussed. Because The Kingbird is historical and New York Birders contains time-sensitive material, delayed publication of The Kingbird will not delay publishing New York Birders in the future.

j. Membership – Brenda Best – We received an inquiry from BIOSIS, an abstract service in the United Kingdom, regarding re-instating sending free issues of The Kingbird to them. The Board has agreed to this and all missing back issues will be sent. Andy Mason will investigate submission of articles to them electronically. The October issue of New York Birders was the last to have 10 copies sent to each member club. A press release about joining NYSOA was sent to editors of member club newsletters.

k. Web site – Brenda for Carena Pooth – Carena provided a list of updates made to the web site and the major changes are the CBC calendar and the online NYSARC report form. Carena reported an unbudgeted expense of $29.95 for software to accomplish the NYSARC online report form.

6. Old Business

Change in Governance – Kevin advised that Bob Mauceli reports there has been no meeting of the Ad Hoc committee yet, but they hope to finish early next year.

New York eBird – Kevin advised he could not arrange a presentation at this meeting and will try for February. We need to know what eBird is, what it costs to implement, and what maintenance will be required.

7. New Business

2005 Meeting Dates – Following is the schedule for board meetings for 2005.

February 19, 2005 – at Cornell Lab of Ornithology – for ease of the eBird presentation (Kevin to confirm)

April 16, 2005 – at Nuthatch Hollow, Vestal

July 16, 2005 – at Nuthatch Hollow, Vestal

November 12, 2005 – at Nuthatch Hollow, Vestal

Bill Reeves made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Andy Mason. Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 2:07 p.m.

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