New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

New York State Ornithological Association
Board Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2005

The Board of Directors of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. met at Nuthatch Hollow Nature Preserve in Vestal on July 16, 2005. The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.

Present were Tim Baird, Brenda Best, Phyllis Jones, Berna Lincoln, Andy Mason, Kevin McGowan, Bill Ostrander, Carena Pooth, Bill Reeves, and Bob Spahn.

Summary of Action Items:

1. Approved minutes of previous board meeting. (Item 1)
2. Began offering discounted subscription rate to BNA Online to individual members. (Item 6)

1. Minutes of Previous Board Meeting – Brenda Best – Tim Baird made a motion to approve the draft February Board Meeting minutes with changes. Bill Reeves seconded. Approved unanimously.

2. President’s Report – Kevin McGowan – Dick Sloss passed away and a letter was sent to the family.

3. Treasurer’s Report – Bill Reeves – Treasurer’s Report dated June 30, 2005 was distributed. (See Attachment A.)

4. DEC Report – Kevin for John Ozard – Staff is working on Bird Conservation Areas, with possible inclusion of islands in Lake Ontario. DEC is also analyzing NEXRAD migration data for use in evaluating wind power sites. Kevin says this is “cutting edge science” driven by wind power needs. Results of the Bald Eagle nesting survey is online and shows 92 pairs (up from 84), 86 breeding pairs (up by 7), with 62 successful (fewer than last year), and 110 fledged (one less than last year).

5. Committee Reports

a. Archives – Phyllis Jones – Ongoing.

b. Atlas – Phyllis for Valerie Freer – We expect to meet our goal of visiting all blocks in the state. Data is due to Regional Coordinators by 8/15 and must be submitted by 9/30 for inclusion.

c. Awards – Bill Ostrander and Andy Mason – No nominations for awards to be presented at Annual Meeting have been received to date. No response from Charlie Rouse yet. No new certificates have been issued. Bob Spahn will contact Shai and Manny regarding the Elliott award.

d. Conservation – Andy Mason – Letters have been prepared regarding deer management and oil/gas exploration in state forests. Some changes were suggested in the deer management letter, such as checking BBS data for species mentioned, changing example species to Least Flycatcher, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and Wood Thrush, and removing the “lead” issue and including it in a separate letter.

e. Field Trips – Tim Baird – No new coordinator has yet been found. Tim sent a letter to all club presidents advising that we would like to advertise locally sponsored field trips with the stipulation that the club would be contacted for further information. Current issue of New York Birders contains some field trips sponsored by member clubs.

f. Finance Committee – Berna Lincoln – Budget will be prepared for approval at the November board meeting. Advise Berna of any expected changes in items.

g. Membership – Brenda Best – Since the April meeting, we have had 8 new members. Currently, annual and life member total is 715. This will drop in August when unpaid renewals are removed from the database. Two clubs have not yet paid. Tim Baird will contact RTP Ornithological. It was recommended Bob Adamo be contacted regarding North Fork Audubon.

h. Nominating Committee – Bill Ostrander – Report has been published in the July New York Birders.

i. NYSARC – Kevin McGowan – No recommendation for next opening in NYSARC yet. Gerard Phillips’ term ends this year, but he may have already resigned. There has been no response from him. Angus Wilson has been invited to discuss the pending guideline changes with the Board.

j. Publications –Tim Baird and Kevin for Manny Levine –Manny questioned the title of Bob Budliger’s book and felt the title belonged to Bull’s; however, there is no legal argument against using the same title. Tim advises New York Birders is at the printer. The June issue of The Kingbird will contain the CBC results with permission and is not yet at the printer.

k. Web site – Carena Pooth – All NYSARC individual reports since inception (approximately 1300 reports) are online. We will request Angus write an article regarding this for New York Birders.

6. Old Business

Annual Meetings – Plans for this year’s meeting seem to be going well. The BCA Advisory Committee, with Andy representing NYSOA, will be meeting that Friday morning in the same hotel. For 2006, no date has yet been set and the college in Oneonta has been contacted. For 2007, there is no venue yet. Brenda will discuss a possible joint venture with the Nature Club of Central New York and the Kirkland Bird Club. For 2008, we may possibly meet in Rochester.

New York eBird – Version 2 with more tools will soon be out (September 1). There will be a workshop with Brian Sullivan at the annual meeting. No official agreement has yet been signed. Bob Spahn will contact the regional editors about constructing filters.

Birds of North America Online – We will now offer a discounted annual subscription rate of $25 per year to all current and new individual members of NYSOA. A special access code will be given to those who request it; Brenda will be the contact person so that membership can be confirmed. We will promote BNA Online in our publications, brochures, etc. and it should be announced on our web site. BNA personnel will review our materials. Each member club should be advised and provided with brochures, and this can also be announced in the clubs’ newsletters. BNA can provide us a list of subscribers who have used our code, which can then be compared to our membership list.

Governance – There is an item in New York Birders that this will be discussed at the Annual Meeting with clubs and individual members.

7. New Business

Donation – We have received a donation of about 20 copies of Bob Budliger’s book that we may use as we see fit. These were distributed to some Board members.

Our next Board meeting will be held at Nuthatch Hollow Nature Preserve in Vestal on November 12. Andy Mason made the motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Bill Reeves. Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.

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