New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

New York State Ornithological Association
Board Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2007

The Board of Directors of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. met at Nuthatch Hollow in Vestal on June 2, 2007.  The meeting was called to order at 9:53 a.m.

Present were Brenda Best, Valerie Freer, Phyllis Jones, Gail Kirch, Andy Mason, Bob Mauceli, Carena Pooth, and Kathy Schneider.

Summary of Action Items:

  1. Approved November 2006 and March 2007 Meeting minutes.  (Item 1)
  2. Approved purchase of 1,000 checklists and increased selling price for checklists  (Item 4d)
  3. Approved appointment of Willie D’Anna to NYSARC (Item 4c)

1.  Minutes – Brenda Best

Motion to accept the minutes from the November 18, 2006 meeting was made by Bob Mauceli and seconded by Phyllis Jones.  Approved unanimously.

Carena Pooth made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 3, 2007 meeting; seconded by Kathy Schneider.  Approved unanimously.
2.  President’s Report – Andy Mason

Andy has written to John Gregoire regarding his letter of resignation from NYSOA.

3.  Treasurer’s Report – Bill Reeves – No report.

4.  Committee Reports

    a.  Nominating – Gail Kirch – Report must be published in the July New York Birders.

    b. Membership – Brenda Best – Three clubs have not yet paid their 2007 dues (Staten Island Institute, T. Roosevelt Sanctuary, and Rainbow Country Birders).  We have 589 Annual members and 54 Life members.  We discussed ways to promote membership, such as a link to NYSOA’s website on each member club’s website, conservation articles in The Kingbird, providing articles for clubs’ newsletters, posts to listservs, and an email group for member clubs.  Valerie and Carena will work up a resolution to emphasize our commitment to conservation.

    c.  NYSARC – Berna was to correct the typos and numbering in the Guidelines, which would be issued to all NYSARC members.  Jeanne Skelly advises archiving is almost complete and will be under budget. CD’s will not be supplied to all NYSARC members; rather, Jeanne will supply data as needed.  With the resignation of Steve Kelling, Andy has appointed Willie D’Anna to NYSARC with a term ending December 31, 2008.  Brenda Best made a motion to approve the appointment, which was seconded by Carena Pooth.  Approved unanimously.

    d.  Publications – Tim needs material for New York Birders.  We need to find new storage space for the back copies of The Kingbird.  Shai is working on the December issue of The Kingbird, has content for March and June issues, and all of these will be produced and printed on Long Island.  The new printer has advised cost could be reduced by changing size to 8 ½ x 11 folded in half, but the amount of savings was not stated.  Andy will discuss with Kevin McGowan the possibility of an electronic, searchable, online version of The Kingbird.

Carena presented an update regarding checklists and required changes.  Kathy Schneider made a motion to purchase 1,000 checklists at a cost of $995 plus postage.  This was seconded by Bob Mauceli, and approved unanimously.  We then discussed the pricing of checklists including the increase in postal rates.  Brenda Best made a motion to increase the price of Checklist of the Birds of New York State to $2 per copy for quantities of 1-10, and $1.50 per copy for quantities of 11 or more.  Carena Pooth seconded and this was approved unanimously.

    e.  Website  – Carena Pooth – Checklist changes and two articles from The Kingbird  are up. 

    f.  Atlas – Valerie Freer – Contract with DEC and Cornell University has been approved.  Expected completion is July 31, 2007, with book available one year later.  Price will probably be in the $50-60 range.

    g.  Finance – Berna Lincoln – No report.

    h. Archives –Phyllis Jones – Phyllis continues to collect papers.

    i.  Awards – Andy for Bill Ostrander – Certificates of Appreciation are ready to be signed by Andy.  Stoner letters were sent out to member clubs requesting nominees.

    j.  Bylaws – Term limits as they regard a partial term followed by election to a full term will be addressed at a future board meeting.

   k.  Conservation – Gail Kirch – We have sent four letters in support of grant requests for State Wildlife Grant funds.  Awards of SWGs have not yet been announced.  The wind power committee will meet next Saturday at Montezuma NWR.  This committee consists of Andy Mason, John Confer, Bill Evans, Gerry Smith, Bill Reeves, and Len DeFrancisco.  Andy has asked DEC for their post-studies regarding Double-crested Cormorants to assess the need for a new resolution.

5.  DEC – Andy for John Ozard – A new web site for DEC is in place, along with redeveloped Atlas pages.  There are still several key vacancies at DEC.


New York eBird – Bob Spahn continues to work with Cornell Lab of Ornithology to get data the way we want it.  Their staff is busy and some technical problems exist.  Our regional editors are not reviewing flagged reports which means CLO staff perform this duty.  We need timely items to be written for the front page of NY eBird.

Whip-poor-will Monitoring – Matt Medler advises there are 35 routes with 30 teams in 21 counties.  As of today, 15 routes have been completed.  He will be looking for volunteers to check known hot spots.

Annual Meetings – This year’s Annual Meeting will be held October 5-7 in Batavia.  Gail Seamans reports they are on schedule.  Registration form will be in the July New York Birders.  Bob Mauceli, on behalf of the Rochester Birding Association, is requesting an advance loan of $1,000 for the 2008 annual meeting.  Andy will contact Bill Reeves regarding this.  Bob is hoping the Atlas will be available at that time, along with Kim and Kevin to sign copies.  We still have no host for 2009.



Future board meetings will be held on August 4 and November 3 at Nuthatch Hollow.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bob Mauceli, and was seconded by Kathy Schneider.  Approved unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 1:26 p.m.

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