New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

New York State Ornithological Association
Board Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2007

The Board of Directors of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. met at Nuthatch Hollow in Vestal on August 4, 2007.  The meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m.

Present were Tim Baird, Brenda Best, John Confer, Jane Graves, Gail Kirch, Andy Mason, Bob Mauceli, Bill Ostrander, Carena Pooth, Bill Reeves, and Kathy Schneider.


  1. Approved June 2, 2007 Meeting minutes.  (Item 1)
  2. Approved expenditure not to exceed $2,500 for scanning back issues of The Kingbird.   (Item 4h)
  3. Approved donation of $500 to Montezuma Muckrace in addition to team sponsorship. (New Business)

1.  MINUTES – Motion to accept the minutes from the June 2, 2007 meeting was made by Jane Graves and seconded by Carena Pooth.  Approved unanimously.

2.  PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Andy Mason – No correspondence.

3.  TREASURER’S REPORT – Bill Reeves – Expenses are down because we’ve only paid for one issue of The Kingbird.  Rochester Birding Association has been given the $1,000 loan toward the 2008 Annual Meeting.


    a) Nominating – Gail Kirch – Slate is ready, and must be published in the July New York Birders.

    b) Membership – Brenda Best – Three clubs have not yet paid their 2007 dues (Staten Island Institute, T. Roosevelt Sanctuary, and Rainbow Country Birders).  We have 593 Annual members and 54 Life members.

    c) NYSARC – All reports are now electronic and in pdf format.  Jeanne Skelly will scan future records, and she will produce a CD.  New CD’s should be burned every year.  Carena advised the files could also be stored on the server.  NYSARC will hold its annual meeting on August 11 in Coxsackie.

    d) Publications – Shai is still working with the printer, and advises he is not pleased with the suggested smaller size of The Kingbird.  The new checklist is available.

    e) Website  – Carena Pooth – New items have been put up, including articles on eBird.

    f) Atlas – Andy for Valerie Freer – Kim will be at the annual meeting with a report.  Document should be done by 8/31.

    g) Finance – No report.

    h) Archives –Phyllis Jones – Documents will be sent to Cornell soon and will not include NYSARC papers.  Andy spoke to Kevin McGowan regarding back issues of The Kingbird.  Kevin will contact the Cornell librarian to house them.  We will obtain a price estimate for scannable pdf’s of The Kingbird from the same company who did the NYSARC records.  Bob Mauceli made a motion to fund and proceed with this project with a cost not to exceed $2,500.  Jane Graves seconded.  Approved unanimously.

    i) Awards – Bill Ostrander – One Stoner nomination has been received.  President’s Award will be given this year.

    j) Bylaws – Are term limits on officers needed?  This is a legal requirement for the office of president.

    k) Conservation – John Confer – The draft position on wind power was presented and discussed.  The committee has been asked to include the current legislative status and an appendix of key literature sources.  Jane offered to do the bibliography search.  This will be presented to the delegates in October and should be sent to clubs, DEC, state legislators, local grassroots organizations, and local governments.  Andy has received a response to the Freedom of Information request regarding cormorants, but no data yet.  A letter was sent in support of the protection efforts underway for Hemlock and Canadice Lakes.

    l) Auditing – New committee will be elected at the annual meeting.

5.  DEC – Andy for John Ozard – Gerry Burkhardt has retired.


Whip-poor-will Monitoring – Matt Medler will have a summary ready in August.

Proposal – Valerie and Carena presented a proposal to emphasize our commitment to conservation.  Conservation grants were discussed, as well as planned giving.  Bob Mauceli made a motion to use the General Memorial Fund for conservation; seconded by Jane Graves.  Continued discussion led to the tabling of this motion so that input could be obtained from the Finance Committee.

Annual Meetings – This year’s Annual Meeting will be held October 5-7 in Batavia. There has been a change in the Friday speaker.  Rochester Birding Association advises they are working and making progress for 2008.  We still need a host for 2009.


Montezuma Muckrace – We are supporting a team again this year. Brenda Best made a motion to donate an additional $100 as a sponsor of the event.  Bob Mauceli seconded.  Carena Pooth made a motion to donate $500 to the event and $100 for the team.  Kathy Schneider seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Next Board meeting will be November 3.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Reeves and seconded by Jane Graves.  Approved unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 12:51 p.m.

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