New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

New York State Ornithological Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2007

The Board of Directors of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. met at Nuthatch Hollow in Vestal on November 3, 2007.  The meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m.

Present were Bob Adamo, Tim Baird, Brenda Best, John Confer, Valerie Freer, Jane Graves, Phyllis Jones, Gail Kirch, Bob Mauceli, Bill Ostrander, Carena Pooth, Bill Reeves, and Kathy Schneider.  Guests were Hope and Mary Batcheller.


  1. Approved August 4, 2007 Meeting minutes.  (Item 1)
  2. Added budget item of $500 for NYS Young Birders Club. (New Business)

1.  MINUTES – Motion to accept the minutes with changes from the August 4, 2007 meeting was made by Bill Reeves and seconded by John Confer.  Approved unanimously.

2.  PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Bill Ostrander – Committee assignments have been reviewed.  Andy Mason will   serve as chair of the Awards Committee.

3.  TREASURER’S REPORT – Bill Reeves – Assets have increased due to low Kingbird expense.  $100,000 bond interest is now at 5% with payments in February and July.


    a) Membership – Brenda Best – We are still showing a declining trend in membership, with both member clubs and individuals.  Ideas put forth included re-establishment of field trips, the need to advertise what we do, sending press releases to member clubs for their newsletters, giving premiums, setting up our display at other events.  We need to find out why past members have not renewed, although phone numbers are not readily available.  A membership/publicity committee was established consisting of Bob Mauceli (chair), Kathy Schneider, and Jane Graves.

    b) Nominating – Kathy Schneider – no activity yet.

    c) NYSARC – No report.  It was noted we are to receive a report for each meeting and one actual attendance.

    d) Publications – Tim advises New York Birders is in good shape.  There has been no news from Shai.  The problems with The Kingbird have become critical.  Bill will ask Shai for a detailed report with deadlines.  This should be our #1 priority.  Brenda reminded the board that the 2007 Annual Meeting minutes must be printed in an issue of The Kingbird that will be published prior to the 2008 Annual Meeting.

    e) Website  – Carena Pooth – Conservation section has some gaps.  Send old items to Carena for inclusion.

    f) Atlas –Valerie Freer – The book may not be available for the September Annual Meeting.  This has caused Rochester Birding Association to reduce their attendance estimate by 25% and they are re-thinking their advertising and promotion.  It was felt we should request more frequent and detailed reports on the status.

    g) Finance – No report.  No budget was presented; Bill Reeves will prepare one for next meeting.

    h) Archives –Phyllis Jones – Ongoing.

    i) Awards – Andy Mason – Nothing new.

    j) Bylaws – Berna Lincoln – No report. 

    k) Conservation – John Confer and Gail Kirch – Articles should be placed in New York Birders on various topics.  Andy will be asked to write an article on NYSOA’s philosophy.  We should also follow-up on letters we’ve written.

5.  DEC – John Ozard – No report.


e-Bird – Bob Spahn – Ongoing.

Whip-poor-will Monitoring – Matt Medler – No report.

State Wildlife Grants – No response yet.

Annual Meeting – Bob Mauceli advises there will be a tight schedule on Saturday and speakers must be brief.  We will be using the same room for the dinner.


New York Young Birders Club – Hope Batcheller proposed a youth birding club and asks NYSOA for assistance.  She presented a letter from Kim Kaufmann and the Ohio Young Birders Club.  We can put something on our website and provide an article for club newsletters.  Members of NYSOA will be asked to mentor and assist in field trip logistics.  There was strong consensus to give support, including financially.  It was suggested we add the Young Birders Club as a line item in the budget in the amount of $500, similar to NYSARC.  Next step will be to find an adult coordinator and develop a job description.  We will also need to check youth safety laws.  Bill Ostrander will check with an attorney on this.

Montezuma Muckrace – Jane advises the muckrace made over $10,000.


Scheduled Board meetings, all at Nuthatch Hollow for now:

February 2, 2008
April 5, 2008
July 26, 2008
November 1, 2008

Motion to adjourn was made by Gail Kirch and seconded by Jane Graves.  Approved unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 1:58 p.m.

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