New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

New York State Ornithological Association
Board Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2008

The Board of Directors of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. met at Nuthatch Hollow in Vestal on February 9, 2008.  The meeting was called to order at 9:41 a.m.

Present were Bob Adamo, Brenda Best, John Confer, Valerie Freer, Jane Graves, Phyllis Jones, Gail Kirch, Berna Lincoln, Bob Mauceli, Bill Ostrander, Carena Pooth, Bill Reeves, and Kathy Schneider.  Andy Mason attended via teleconference.  Guests were Hope and Mary Batcheller.


  1. Approved November 2007 Board Meeting and 2007 Annual Meeting minutes.  (Item 1)
  2. Approved reinvesting our bond for 5 years.  (Item 3)
  3. Approved re-appointment of Angus Wilson to NYSARC. (Item 4c)
  4. Approved color pictures in each issue of The Kingbird (Item 4d)
  5. Approved budget for 2008 (Item 4g)
  6. Approved letters to DEC and Don Heintzelmann regarding windpower (Item 4k)

1.  MINUTES – Motion to accept the minutes with changes from the November 3, 2007 meeting was made by Bob Mauceli and seconded by Bill Reeves.  Approved unanimously.  Motion to accept the minutes of the 2007 Annual Meeting with changes was made by Bob Mauceli and seconded by Jane Graves.  Approved unanimously.

2.  PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Bill Ostrander – Bill will verify with Kevin McGowan that he will continue as chair of the Research Committee.  Matt Medler’s request for a website about the nightjar research should be referred to Kevin.  Bill also asked the Board to research what other state ornithological organizations are doing to get an idea of our direction.

3.  TREASURER’S REPORT – Bill Reeves – Treasurer’s Report dated December 31, 2007 was presented.  Assets increased due to reduced Kingbird costs.  Kingbird expenses were down by half since only 2 issues were published.  Dues were down and total income was also down.  Jane asked if the Treasurer’s Report could be emailed prior to the meeting.  Our bond has been called and Bill has reviewed alternatives.  Bill Reeves made a motion to reinvest for 5 years at the best interest rate he can find.  Bob Mauceli seconded.  Approved unanimously.


a) Membership – Brenda Best – We are currently at 47 member clubs since T. Roosevelt and Lake Erie paid their dues.  We have 572 individual members and 54 life members, totaling 626.  Dues notices have been mailed to January and April expirations.  Membership Committee will meet during the lunch break.  Jane asked about a donation line on the renewal form.  A statement indicating that extra contributions are tax deductible will be sent to Carena by Bob Mauceli to be placed on the website.

b) Nominating – Kathy Schneider – Brenda has advised she will not run again for Recording Secretary.  Names need to be given to Tim by June 1 for inclusion in the July New York Birders.

c) NYSARC – Angus Wilson via teleconference – The committee has finished the 2004 and 2005 reports for The Kingbird and has begun 2006.  Guidelines have been published.  The committee is working with the Vermont committee regarding shared sightings.  Terms of NYSARC members will be placed on the website.  Bill Ostrander re-appointed Angus Wilson to continue on NYSARC.  Brenda Best made a motion to approve the re-appointment of Angus Wilson to a 3-year term ending 12/31/10; Carena Pooth seconded.  Approved unanimously.

d) Publications – Shai Mitra via teleconference – Issue 57:2 will be mailed next week. He hopes to have 57:3 and 57:4 out before September.  Covers will be printed at Sir Speedy and Shai is tracking down the original artwork.  Berna advised that Manny Levine purchased this, and Shai will obtain it to re-scan at high resolution for printing.  Shai was advised that the inside covers for 57:4 will change due to new officers and/or committee chairs.  Jane made a motion to continue color pictures in every issue of The Kingbird, if they are available.  John Confer seconded.  Approved unanimously.  Jane (chair), Andy, and Carena will serve on an ad hoc committee to research the scanning of old Kingbirds to create a searchable database.

e) Website  – Carena Pooth – Items added include an article about the Young Birders Club, field trips, and more letters to the Conservation section.  In November, Carena moved the site to a new host that offered more space at a lower price.

f) Atlas –Valerie Freer – Title of the book will be the same as the first except for the word “Second.”  Future rights will go to NYSOA and DEC.  No price or date yet.

g) Finance – Berna Lincoln – Recommendation was made that the General Operating Fund budget be presented in February using all of the previous year’s income and expenses for information.  After review of the proposed budget, Bob Mauceli made a motion to approve the budget, which was seconded by Jane Graves.  Approved unanimously.  Berna had been collecting hours from various volunteer positions in the organization.  There are many people who put in many hours, especially those who prepare our publications (ten Regional editors, editors, highlights author, proofreaders, etc.), maintain the website, and circulation.  We would not be able to afford to pay these people and must continue on a volunteer basis.

h) Archives –Phyllis Jones – Ongoing.  Working with Kim on Atlas papers.

i) Awards – Andy Mason – Nothing new.

j) Bylaws – Berna Lincoln – No report. 

k) Conservation – John Confer and Gail Kirch – John has thoroughly reviewed the DEC Guidelines for wind power siting.  He and Andy have written a draft letter to address the items as compared to our position.  Kathy Schneider made a motion to send the letter addressing our concerns.  Jane Graves seconded.  Approved unanimously.  We will receive a copy of the letter after it is finalized.  John also presented a request from Don Heintzelman regarding the federal designation of the Kittatinny-Shawangunk National Raptor Migration Corridor in Pennsylvania.  Motion was made by Bob Mauceli to authorize John Confer to fill out Mr. Heintzelman’s form letter and send it.  Seconded by Brenda Best.  Approved unanimously.  The comment period for the Seneca Army Depot wetlands map changes ends February 15.

5.  DEC – John Ozard – No report.


e-Bird – Need ideas for promotion.

Whip-poor-will Monitoring – Matt Medler – No report.

State Wildlife Grants – No report.

Annual Meeting – Bob Mauceli asked 2 specific questions.  Answers were no one has been hurt at an annual meeting to our knowledge and we have never been sued.  Our insurance does not cover the Rochester Birding Association.  There is no host for the 2009 meeting yet.

New York Young Birders Club – Several board members expressed concerns regarding the relationship between NYSOA and the Young Birder Club, insurance, by-laws, and adult leadership.  John Confer will contact two lawyers and ask their opinions.  Bob Mauceli will contact Kim Kaufman of the Ohio Young Birders Club.


Circulation Manager – Brenda has asked to be relieved of this position by April.  Discussion of what the job entails, how it could be eased, and qualifications of candidates ensued.  Brenda will email the task list she developed so that a job description can be written.


The next Board meeting will be held at Nuthatch Hollow on April 5, 2008.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bob Mauceli and seconded by John Confer.  Approved unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

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