New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

New York State Ornithological Association
Board Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2008

The Board of Directors of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. met at Nuthatch Hollow in Vestal on April 5, 2008.  The meeting was called to order at 9:43 a.m.

Present were Bob Adamo, Tim Baird, Brenda Best, Berna Lincoln, Andy Mason, Bill Ostrander, Carena Pooth, Bill Reeves, and Kathy Schneider.


  1. Approved minutes from February 2008 and Special March 2008 Board Meetings.  (Item 1)
  2. Approved re-appointment of Dominic Sherony to NYSARC. (Item 4c)
  3. Approved establishing a fund specifically for the Young Birders Club (Item 4g)
  4. Approved endorsing the ABA Code of Birding Ethics (New Business)
  5. Elected the Executive Committee (New Business)

1.  MINUTES – Motion to accept the minutes with changes from the February 9, 2008 meeting was made by Bill Reeves and seconded by Tim Baird.  Approved unanimously.  Motion to accept the minutes of the special March 15, 2008 Board meeting with changes was made by Andy Mason and seconded by Brenda Best.  Approved unanimously.

2.  PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Bill Ostrander – A letter was received from Saw Mill River Audubon thanking us for our $250 grant for bluebird boxes.  Berna also brought a copy of their newsletter, which included an article mentioning our grant.

3.  TREASURER’S REPORT – Bill Reeves – Treasurer’s Report dated March 31, 2008 was reviewed.  Due to declining interest rates, Bill reports he will not reinvest in a bond, but leave the funds in a money market account.  The cost of The Kingbird with color photos at the new printer is less than previous issues.


    a.  Membership – Brenda Best – We are currently at 49 member clubs, and we have 575 individual members and 54 life members, totaling 629. 

    b.  Nominating – Kathy Schneider – Committee is searching for a nominee for Recording Secretary.  Also looking for someone to train as treasurer.

    c.  NYSARC – Bill Ostrander has re-appointed Dominic Sherony to continue on NYSARC.  Andy Mason made a motion to approve the re-appointment of Dominic Sherony to a 3-year term ending 12/31/10; Bob Adamo seconded.  Approved unanimously.

    d.  Publications – Tim Baird – Tim advises the April issue will be sent to the printer next week.

    e.  Website  – Carena Pooth – A one-way email list to send email to member clubs has been set up.  Currently only Bill Ostrander and Andy Mason can send.  Note that not all clubs have an email contact and Carena will check for bounced messages.

    f.  Atlas – Tim Baird – Editors are currently looking at page proofs.

    g.  Finance – Berna Lincoln – See attached handout for recommendations from the committee (Attachment B).   Regarding Recommendation #4, Brenda Best made a motion to establish a new fund for the Young Birders Club project.  Carena Pooth seconded.  Approved unanimously.

    h.  Archives – No report.

    i.  Awards – Andy Mason – Meade award was discussed.  Three Certificates of Appreciation will be given out.

    j.  Bylaws – Berna Lincoln – Nothing new to report at this time.  Committee needs new members.  Carena Pooth will serve; Bill Ostrander will ask Bob Spahn or Phyllis Jones.

    k.  Conservation – Bob Adamo will draft a letter regarding the grasslands on Long Island and Andy will circulate.  Before we join the coalition, Andy will do further research.  Andy advises Delaware-Otsego Audubon has recouped the cost of the Great Blue Heron Nest platforms.

5.  DEC – John Ozard – No report.


eBird – Need to promote beyond our website.  Andy will write an article for club newsletters and eBird should be mentioned in New York Birders.  Also need fresh articles for the front page.

Circulation Manager – No one has volunteered.  Ad will be in April New York Birders.

Annual Meeting –There is no host for the 2009 meeting yet.

New York Young Birders Club – Carena reviewed the structure between NYSOA and YBC as a project similar to the Atlas.  We are in good shape legally and in regards to liability.  No by-laws and no delegate vote needed.  We need to recruit a NYSOA member who will serve as an adult coordinator and chair a formal permanent committee.  A “road show” has been developed and is available to present to member clubs; a laptop and projector would be needed.  Carena is working with Hope on a website.  A brochure may be developed to send to science teachers and libraries.

Searchable Kingbirds – Andy will get with Jane to discuss this issue.


Member Clubs – North Fork Audubon has paid their dues and been reinstated.

Code of Birding Ethics – The ABA Code of Birding Ethics will be put on our website.  Kathy Schneider made a motion that NYSOA endorse the ABA Code of Birding Ethics.  Seconded by Andy Mason.  Approved unanimously.

Executive Committee – Andy Mason nominated Bill Ostrander as President, Bill Reeves as Treasurer, Carena Pooth as Vice-president, and Brenda Best as Recording Secretary to serve as the Executive Committee as required by our by-laws.  The Board elected the slate unanimously.

T-shirts – Is there any interest in obtaining NYSOA t-shirts?


The next Board meeting will be held at Nuthatch Hollow on July 26, 2008.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Reeves and seconded by Carena Pooth.  Approved unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 2:27 p.m.

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