New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

Last Updated 9/26/24



UPDATED 9/13/24

 NYSARC Reports

1977 - 2020
Just added: 2020

Rufous Hummingbird, photo ©  Alayna Vreeland
Rufous Hummingbird
photo © Alayna Vreeland

UPDATED 7/17/24
Historical Database

 1977 - 2022

UPDATED 7/4/24
Full Text Searchable
Vol. 72 (2022) just added
Kingbird cover
photo © JayMcGowan

NYSOA's quarterly journal

UPDATED 6/27/24

NYSARC Review List

Which species to report 

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State Life List

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   or 300 lifer milestone

New York State
Young Birders Club

Looking for the White-eyed Vireo at Muttontown Preserve, photo by Carena Pooth
Spotting a White-eyed Vireo
at Muttontown Preserve

  eBird Logo 



Young Birders Blockbust the Catskills, July 2024

A big shout out to Wendy Tocci, Mark DeDea and Peter Schoenberger of the John Burroughs Natural History Society for hosting a beautiful and birdy weekend of camping and atlasing for NYSOA's New York State Young Birders Club (NYSYBC) held July 12–15.


The young birders had a blast while confirming breeding in several sparsely covered Ulster County blocks, observing behavior, finding nests, and spying on fledglings being fed. The team was able to survey five priority atlas blocks in Ulster county!


Superior organization by Wendy, on-the-fly birding tutorials by Mark, and owling techniques demonstrated by Peter were greatly appreciated. There were campfires, s’mores, swimming in the crystal clear Woodland Valley Creek, great hikes, forever views from Belleayre Mountain, and more. Throw in a side trip for lifer Pacific and Red-throated Loons, and you have the ingredients for an unforgettable weekend. The young birders had a blast, and so did the older birders!
— Susan Ells, NYSYBC Field Trips Coordinator


NYSOA Objectives

The objectives of the New York State Ornithological Association are to document the ornithology of New York State; to foster interest in and appreciation of birds; and to protect birds and their habitats.


Code of Birding Ethics

NYSOA endorses the Code of Birding Ethics developed and promoted by the American Birding Association.



Individuals as well as clubs/organizations are welcome to join and will enjoy the benefits of membership, including subscriptions to NYSOA's quarterly journal, The Kingbird, and its newsletter, New York Birders.  NYSOA also offers its non-organizational members a discounted rate that is 25% off the regular rate for a subscription to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Birds of the World, a superb resource at your fingertips online.


Are you looking for information about birding in New York State?
Check out our directory of member organizations
with links to websites listing local field trips and other activities!

NYSOA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.




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